# PIDA PURL namespaces

Fig. 1: Number of registered PURLs in the PIDA system for a given month. See details regarding which artifact was added or removed in a specific month when hovering over the data.

data collections started on 21.06.2024

# Artifact visits

Fig. 2: Number of artifact visits per month. The shown data accumulates the number of overall requests (irrespective of requested content). Investigate the most visited artifacts by hovering over the data.

Hover on a bar to see redirection requests per artifact.

data collections started on 21.06.2024

# Health check results

Fig. 3: Health status of PURLs in PIDA. Data shows the ratio of healthy (green) vs. non-functional (red) PURLs in the PIDA system based on the most recent health check (see date). Detailed information on which PURLs were not dereferenceable during the latest health check can be seen when hovering over the plot.

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